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Interrupted Attendance (“Stopping Out”)

必须 re-apply through the 招生 Office if:

• 你 stopped out for more than one semester and want to be matriciulated.
• 你 stopped out one semester but want to change your major.
• 你 did a complete withdrawal and want to return the next semester in a different major.
• 你 did a complete withdrawal, missed the following semester, and want to return in a new program.

你做 need to re-apply through the 招生 Office if:

• 你 wish to attend as a non-matriculated (not eligible for 金融援助) and take fewer than 12 credit hours.
• 你 stopped out one semester and are returning to the same program.
• 你 did a complete withdrawal and want to return the next semester in the same major.
• 你 did a complete withdrawal, missed the following semester and want to be matriculated in the same program.

注意: Students in high demand and 2+2 programs cannot be matriculated back into their program after stopping out or withdrawing.